Mel Cardy MBACP, MNCPS (accred)

My Counselling Story
Professional. Friendly. Supportive. Genuine.
Many counsellors have had personal experiences of going through some difficult times throughout their lives and this is often the main reason for wanting to help others who may also be struggling with life. I have had several tough times throughout my life but unfortunately I have had some bad experiences with some so-called 'counsellors' and this made me determined to become a genuine professional counsellor. After several years of training whilst juggling homelife and a full-time job, my hard work finally paid off and I achieved my goal. It certainly wasn't easy at times and there were many days when I felt like giving up, but I knew deep down that this was what I really wanted to do.
Every time a client says that they have found their counselling sessions beneficial, I know that all that hard work was worth it. To be able to help clients, is the most rewarding thing and I feel privileged that they feel that they can open up and tell me their deepest thoughts and feelings because they feel that they are in a safe place with me.
The counselling profession in this country is not regulated by the government which means anyone can set themselves up as a counsellor with no formal training or qualification. Apart from being totally unethical. this is also very dangerous. Please always check that whoever you choose to see as your counsellor, that they are fully trained and a member of a reputable organisation such as the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) because these counsellors adhere to strict rules of conduct and a strong ethical framework.

Let today be the start of a brand new journey